Lincoln School of Media Special Event: Warner Brothers Visiting Professor, Eric Hartley Senat

Faculty of Media, Humanities and Performance

 Lincoln School of Media Special Event

 EMMTEC Conference Centre, University of Lincoln

 Tuesday 31 January, 2-9pm

No need to book.

Just turn up, either at 2pm or at 6pm


Warner Brothers: An Illustrated History


By Visiting Professor Eric Hartley Senat

Film Producer and former Senior Vice-President of WB




2pm: Welcome and Introduction by Professor Brian Winston

 PART 1:

 Session 1: The Early Days: from Europe to America. From the Nicklodeon to Rin Tin Tin

Session 2: Sound comes to the movies …the studio system…and the stars: Bogart, Cagney, EG Robinson

Session 3: The Assembly line, Animation, Oscars, The War years, Casablanca and the invention of television

5-6pm: Break

      PART 2:

Session 4: TV threatens the studios and the fight back. Censorship and the movies

Session 5: A new era – Kubrick, Harry Potter, the internet and beyond.


“These presentations are a unique combination of a number of approaches to talking about the cinema.  There are memoirs and biographies, scholarly histories and film analyses and a growing — but pretty dry  —  literature based on the industry as a business. Rick combines all of these in a way that not only tells the story of a studio, looks at the films it made and asks how it reflected American life; he also enthusiastically explains how the business works, especially the impact of the personalities of the ‘suits’ on the creative process in a unique positive light. The result is to give the audience a multi-viewpoint understanding of Hollywood that they won’t have ever heard before.” … Professor Brian Winston